
Josh Hotstuff


In the years since becoming a client of Josh Hoffman, it literally never occurred to me to nickname him Josh Hotstuff. I’m not really sure why. I’m not really sure why Josh needs a nickname at all, save that he’s a pretty funny guy and funny guys usually have nicknames.

The last time we checked in on his Instagram feed it was to check out some Hot stuff Devil paintings. I swear he does more than that, but when something works, it works. You can check out more of his work on his Instagram feed, or swing by Living Arts Tattoo in New Hope, PA.

Oh. Full disclosure. One of my favorite tattoos that Josh did on me was a Hot Stuff Devil/Kewpie that he did years ago….


Tattooers on Instagram: Josh Hoffman


For whatever reason, tattooers have flocked to Instagram to share their works in record numbers; so many amazing artists posting so many outstanding tattoos and paintings that it’s hard to keep up with everyone. So from time to time I’ll be posting my favorites- people doing kickass work that are for sure worth following.

The first is Philadelphia’s Josh Hoffman.
Josh is one of my favorite tattooers; I started getting tattooed by him in 2000 shortly after moving to Philadelphia. His work is distinctly based in traditional American style tattooing with a 1970s biker flair. Sounds like an odd combo, but it works. He’s started posting a stream of new paintings that are just stellar. I’m really glad to see him pushing out new stuff… makes me want to get something new!

Funny Hoffman story:
Josh had his jaw broken years back, when I worked around the corner from Olde City Tattoo. (the shop he was working with at the time) I’d see him every day when I’d walk to get lunch, miserable with his jaw wired shut. After a while I started picking up presents from him at the store…

Jawbreakers and Caramels came up a lot.

I’m just that kind of friend.

You can follow Josh on Instagram via: j_hoffman

Friday the 13th- David Bruehl

It makes me happy when David paints.
He’s been dropping all kinds of amazingness on Instagram lately; this one is just the most appropriate for today. David recently moved from Oklahoma to Tampa to join the crew of Redletter 1.

David is an amazing tattooer and one of my favorite people. If you find yourself in Florida, looking for a dang good tattoo, Mr. Bruehl is your man. I’m hoping to make a trip down to see him before the year is out.

Happy friday the 13th, everyone!

Holiday Help

Tattooist Mike Adams had his car stolen last night. His insurance isnt’s being very helpful, which is what insurance companies do, for the most part, so he’s selling some awesome prints to help with his car troubles.

They’re going for $30 shipped, with the originals available for $200. (which would make good holiday presents, for those who participate in that sort of thing)

You can contact Mike via the email address on the image above. I’m partial to the shadow rabbit.