Mary Jane Haake

The World’s Greatest Tattoo Fan

“In all societies, the man or woman who is not decorated in some way – changed from their natural state – is, in a sense, decoratively inarticulate…body decoration is a type of language or code, which is spoken through hairstyles, mutilations (pierced ears), tattooing or painting (makeup). In the West, because of our obsession with clothing for almost all parts of the body…we have restricted the amount of skin available to be used as a cosmetic language. Most of us have forgotten that perhaps the first works of art dedicated to the combination of form and color were carried out on the skin.” – Mary Jane Haake

Another VHS tape sent in for archival by the fine folks at Yellow Beak Press, The World’s Greatest Tattoo Fan is a 1989 documentary on legendary tattoo fan Elizabeth Weinzirl. I’d write something up about Elizabeth and her friendship with Bert Grimm and her connection to the tattoo world, but that’s all covered in the documentary. Instead, I’ll encourage you to read the Wiki page on director/tattoo artist Mary Jane Haake to find out more about a very under documented tattoo culture personality.