Palm Sunday pt. 1

I’m hesitant to start any kind of regular feature here on the OV blog due mostly to my lack of any sort of adherence to schedules and a fear of not having enough specific material to constantly fill space; so with that said…


There’s no doubt that palm tattooing is enjoying a massive upswing in popularity these days; while they were few and far between twenty years ago, you’re likely to spot them randomly in the strangest of places. Just last week I saw a set of beautifully tattooed palms while at the farmer’s market here in Philadelphia, and came home to see a few sets in my tumblr feed; effectively seeing more tattooed palms in one day than I used to see in a year.

My own palms, done by Thomas Hooper, are among my favorite of my own tattoos despite being horrible to get and even worse to heal. If you’ll forgive the expression- you have to earn palm tattoos if they’re done correctly. And if they’re not… congrats.. you get to do them again. And again. Not something that I’d be interested in.

So while not a regular feature, I’m going to occasionally run Palm Sunday updates as content permits.

Feel free to submit your own palm pictures to  Occult Vibrations.


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